2025-01-23 101Taking into account the unparalleled and rapid changes occurring in our country's life, as well as the increasingly beautiful and prosperous appearance of our cities and villages, we have every reason to declare that 2024 was a highly productive, fruitful, and blessed year in all respects.
How the media of New Uzbekistan promote national content
2024-12-24 491Today, amid globalization, not only is the number of geopolitical contradictions, armed conflicts, and international disputes increasing, but also the number of informational attacks. As a result, information has become a powerful tool in the modern world.
Even in the face of a complex historical legacy New Uzbekistan is striving for a more equitable and transparent system
2024-12-24 562After gaining independence in 1991, Uzbekistan has long retained elements of the centralized system of governance characteristic of post-Soviet countries. However, since 2016, a new stage of development has begun in the country, marked by the implementation of structural reforms aimed at democratizing society, reducing corruption and improving conditions for civic participation.
2024-12-20 537In recent years, Uzbekistan has been rapidly getting onto a new stage of development. The democratic image of the country is changing. Economic, political, social reforms and transformations are taking place.
Judicial reform in New Uzbekistan: On whom do judges depend?
2024-12-20 549Ensuring the rule of law and further reform of the judicial and legal system are the second priority area of the Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” and provide for the independence of the judiciary, a guarantee of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and strengthening the rule of law in the judicial and legal system.
Digital transformation of Uzbekistan promotes regional integration in Central Asia
2024-11-27 603As part of the construction and development of New Uzbekistan, several significant strategic documents have been adopted, including “Digital Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy, “The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, and the “Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy which delineate the goals and objectives pertaining to the digital transformation of all regions and sectors.
Improving the electoral system is an important demand of democracy in New Uzbekistan
2024-11-20 654The demand for transparent, fair and inclusive elections is growing year after year on the world political stage. Uzbekistan is not only observing these blizzards, but also actively changing its electoral landscape, laying the foundation for a more dynamic and active democracy.
Constitution and principles of justice in new Uzbekistan
2024-11-06 537In the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rule of priority of human rights and freedoms, the fact that human life, freedom, honor and dignity are the highest value, the rights of citizens to be protected by the court, the principles of justice, the fact that the court is an independent branch of state power, the independence of the courts and is reflected in a number of fundamental, universally recognized and international legal norms, such as obedience to the law and the presumption of innocence.
Fulfilment of International Human Rights Obligations: the Experience of New Uzbekistan
2024-10-23 692In today’s world, marked by significant political and economic conflicts, ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life while upholding human dignity in the New Uzbekistan is a key priority of State policy.